ARC无障碍服务办公室已被指定负责处理住宿请求,并确保提供适当的住宿. However, it is the responsibility of the university to accommodate students with disabilities. The ARC serves as a resource for faculty and staff who work with students with disabilities. The ARC director and ARC staff are available to answer questions, 就问题情况进行咨询, 提供信息, and support for accommodating students. 通过共同努力, 我们可以确保残疾学生在康考迪亚大学期间有平等的机会参与各个方面.


Disability Laws, 权利 and Confidentiality

Three important pieces of legislation related to the provision of academic accommodations, 在大学环境中为残疾学生提供的调整和服务是:1973年的康复法案, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA) of 2008.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, 1973 states:

No otherwise qualified person with a disability in the United States…shall, 完全是基于残疾, 被拒绝进入, 或者是, 或在接受联邦财政援助的任何机构提供的任何计划或活动中受到歧视. For a more detailed description of Subpart E of the Rehabilitation Act, 1973, refer to the U.S. 教育部网站.

The ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA) of 2008 clarified the definition of “disability” for purposes of the ADA. A person is considered to have a disability if the person:

  • Has a physical or mental impairment, which substantially limits one or more major life activities. 主要的生命活动包括, 但并不局限于自我照顾, 手工任务, 走, 看到, 听力, 说话, 呼吸, 学习与工作.
  • Has a record of a substantially limiting condition.
  • 被认为是有限的.

For a more detailed description of Title II of the ADAAA, refer to the following U.S. 教育部网站.

随着1990年美国残疾人法的通过, Section 504 from the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 was expanded to include any public or private institution. 《十大正规赌博平台大全排行》的子部分E要求学校做好准备,做出合理的学术调整和安排,以允许残疾学生充分参与与非残疾学生相同的项目和活动. The ADAAA further clarifies and reinforces these statutes. 与大学环境有关, 合格的残疾人是指符合入学或参加机构教育计划或活动所需的学术和技术标准的人.

The Family Educational 权利 and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational 权利 and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. 教育部. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. 当学生年满18岁或就读高中以上的学校时,这些权利转移给学生. For students with disabilities who attend a post-secondary institution, FERPA确保学生文件的保密性,并限制访问适当的大学人员.


学生 may not be aware of the accessibility services available through the ARC, or some students may not even realize they have a disability. 教师和工作人员可以利用这个机会向学生介绍和告知ARC以及为学生提供的服务.

教师应突出ARC的服务 & Supports when reviewing their disability course syllabus. 这有助于告知学生申请住宿的过程,这些住宿是通过ARC协调的. 在每学期开始时,大声朗读残疾声明或参考ARC为残疾学生提供的服务也会有所帮助.


“任何觉得自己可能需要基于残疾影响的住宿的学生都应该联系ARC无障碍服务办公室,自我披露并正式申请住宿. Although students may register for services at any time, 请尝试在学期的前两周内做出安排,因为处理请求并通知教师批准的住宿确实需要时间.”

After a student has been approved for a reasonable accommodation(s), the ARC 可及性服务 Office communicates the information to each faculty member of that student. The ARC provides the name of the student and the specific accommodation(s) only. Information related to a student’s disability, documentation, 等. 是保密的.

Once approved for reasonable accommodations, students are responsible for requesting the specific course accommodations they wish to utilize each term. Accommodations can vary for course to course and from term to term, depending on the barrier their disability creates.

教师有责任确保完成ARC的每门课程考试的测试协议. 此表格允许ARC测试中心协调员了解与监考有关的具体信息, 例如密码信息, 考试开始的时间, the length of time the class gets for the exam, 特殊指令, 等.


一个合理的住宿是一个条件的修改或调整,否则会导致学生, 因为残疾, 与非残疾学生相比,在参加大学学生项目方面处于不利地位. 合理的住宿提供公平的课程或设施,不会从根本上改变课程或学术项目的本质. For an accommodation to be reasonable it also must not cause an undue financial or endanger the safety of self, 或其他.


How 合理的住宿 Are Determined


The Interactive Intake Process follows a set of guided questions. The ARC 可及性服务 Office does not diagnose or suggest that a student has a disability. The conversation is started by asking the student to identify and explain their disability. 对话(互动吸收过程)涉及由ARC无障碍服务主任领导的一系列问题, :

  1. helps determine how the student’s disability creates a barrier to access their education
  2. how they have struggled with learning in the past
  3. what accommodations that they have had in the past have been the most helpful

Accommodations are determined on an individual, case-by-case basis, never by disability label. 在一些罕见的情况下, 考虑到学术项目的技术标准,可能会询问项目主任/系主任住宿是否合理.

Needs vary among individuals with the same disability, 因此, suggestions represent only general guidelines for classroom adaptations. 重要的是要记住,学生可能有多种残疾,必须考虑到. Some students may have disabilities that are not obvious when 说话 with the student. 因此, please do not assume that because you are not able to observe obvious signs of a person having a disability, 学生没有残疾. 当学生被确定有资格获得住宿时,意味着他们已经提交了文件或信息,并在大学正式注册为残疾人.

在一定的条件下, 比如灵活出勤, arranging suitable adjustments involves a shared responsibility between the professor and the student. In this instance the student with the disability is responsible for bringing their individual needs to the attention of the instructor once the faculty notification has been sent out; however, students may be hesitant to make special requests. 建议在学期初,教师做一个一般性的公告,或指导学生了解课程大纲中有关无障碍服务的信息.


学生 must abide by the Academic Policies and 行为准则 outlined in the Concordia Catalogs and Student Handbook. 任何可疑的作弊或使用未经授权的资源将由测试中心的工作人员记录在案,并报告给相应的教职员工. 为确保考试的安全性和公正性,考试中心设有无音监控摄像头和监考员. Click here to view our Testing Center Policies.


Arranging disability related make-up tests

有残疾证明和批准考试住宿的学生将使用相同的流程申请任何补考. 这将启动教师通知,说明学生将在ARC测试中心使用他们的测试设施进行补考.

Arranging non-disability related make-up tests

学生 must adhere to the professor’s policy regarding notification of an absence from a test. 教师 can find information regarding the non-disability related make-up testing procedure as well a 测试协议在此完成.